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Brains & Behavior: Order and Disorder in the Nervous System

(Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology LXXXIII)

Book Series:  Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Subject Area(s):  Human Biology and DiseaseNeurobiology

Edited by David Stewart, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Bruce Stillman, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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Conversations at the Symposium: Edward Boyden, Beth Stevens, and Huda Zoghbi

© 2019 • 302 pages, illustrated (92 color and 68 B&W), index
Hardcover • $318 254.40
ISBN  978-1-621823-35-3
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  •     Description    
  •     Contents    


The 2018 Symposium on Brains & Behavior: Order & Disorder in the Nervous System explores the tremendous recent progress in neuroscience and technologies and how these advances may be used to improve brain health and address psychiatric and neurological disorders.


Symposium Participants
Psychiatric Neuroscience

Challenges and Opportunities in Psychiatric Neuroscience
Joshua A. Gordon, Julie A. Frost Bellgowan, Collene Lawhorn, and Rachel B. Scheinert

The Neurobiology of Confidence: From Beliefs to Neurons
Torben Ott, Paul Masset, and Adam Kepecs

Causal Inference on Pathophysiological Mediators in Psychiatry
Ho Namkung, Brian J. Lee, and Akira Sawa
Neurodevelopment and Synapses

Parvalbumin Interneuron Plasticity for Consolidation of Reinforced Learning
Matteo Tripodi, Komal Bhandari, Ananya Chowdhury, Arghya Mukherjee, and Pico Caroni

Adolescence and “Late Blooming” Synapses of the Prefrontal Cortex
Kristen Delevich, A. Wren Thomas, and Linda Wilbrecht

The Synaptomic Theory of Behavior and Brain Disease
Seth G.N. Grant

Sleep and Neuromodulation

Genetic Mechanisms Underlying Sleep
Hirofumi Toda, Mi Shi, Julie A. Williams, and Amita Sehgal

Brain Circuitry for Arousal from Apnea
Clifford B. Saper and Satvinder Kaur

Computational Underpinnings of Neuromodulation in Humans
P. Read Montague and Kenneth T. Kishida

Multiple Dopamine Systems: Weal and Woe of Dopamine
Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida and Naoshige Uchida

Social Behavior

Neuropeptidergic Control of an Internal Brain State Produced by Prolonged Social Isolation Stress
Moriel Zelikowsky, Keke Ding, and David J. Anderson

The Hippocampus and Social Impairment in Psychiatric Disorders
Matthew Schafer and Daniela Schiller

Nucleus Accumbens Modulation in Reward and Aversion
Anna M. Klawonn and Robert C. Malenka

Neurological Health

Epigenetic Priming in Drug Addiction
Philipp Mews, Deena M. Walker, and Eric J. Nestler

Decoding Depression: Insights from Glial and Ketamine Regulation of Neuronal Burst Firing in Lateral Habenula
Yihui Cui, Yan Yang, Yiyan Dong, and Hailan Hu

Improving Mouse Models for Dementia. Are All the Effects in Tau Mouse Models Due to Overexpression?
Zelah Joel, Pablo Izquierdo, Dervis A. Salih, Jill C. Richardson, Damian M. Cummings, and Frances A. Edwards

Distinct Conformers of Assembled Tau in Alzheimer’s and Pick’s Diseases
Michel Goedert, Benjamin Falcon, Wenjuan Zhang, Bernardino Ghetti, and Sjors H.W. Scheres


Rewiring the Addicted Brain: Circuits-Based Treatment for Addiction
Graziella Madeo and Antonello Bonci

Investigating the Therapeutic Mechanism of Cannabidiol in a Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC)-Based Model of Dravet Syndrome
Yishan Sun and Ricardo E. Dolmetsch

A Network Explanation of Alzheimer’s Regional Vulnerability
Scott A. Small and Larry W. Swanson

Current Status of Deep Brain Stimulation for Alzheimer’s Disease: From Chance Observation to Clinical Trials
Darrin J. Lee and Andres M. Lozano

Benefits of Enhancing Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Levels in Damaged or Diseased Nerve Cells
Andrew A. Pieper and Steven L. McKnight


Order and Disorder in Brains and Behavior
Adam Kepecs

Dorcas Cummings Lecture

P. Read Montague
Conversations at the Symposium

Edward Boyden

Yang Dan

Ricardo Dolmetsch

Paul Glimcher

Michel Goedert

Joshua A. Gordon

Adam Kepecs

Robert C. Malenka

Helen Mayberg

P. Read Montague

Michael Platt

Daniela Schiller

Scott Small

Beth Stevens

Li-Huei Tsai

Kay Tye

Mehmet Faith Yanik

Huda Zoghbi

Author Index
Subject Index